project Hastakshar 📝The Signature Verification System investigates the use of CNN for Writer-Dependent models in signature verification. AI eye 👁️ One function for multiple computer vision tasks; object detection, face recognition, depth calculation, object tracking, and more. AI-based autonomous robot 🤖 🦾 🦿 An AI-based autonomous robot seeks to replicate human behavior using computer vision. Brain Tumor Segmentation 🧠 Brain tumor detection and segmentation UTPB Bot 🤖 The UTPB chatbot has been crafted to furnish information and address inquiries from students, faculty, staff, as well as prospective students. Phishing Detection 🕵️ Phishing detection using machine learning and URLs involves leveraging algorithms to analyze website URLs for signs of fraudulent activity. AstroidSmash ✨ AstroidSmash is a mini captivating 2D Android game where your objective is to expand the central asteroid's size by safeguarding it against collisions with other asteroids, thereby earning higher scores. Beat Creator 🎶 Beat Creator is a dedicated Android application designed for crafting musical beats. Saveme 🕸️ Saveme is a straightforward 2D Android game where your objective is to escape from the cage to earn higher scores. AntiGravity Ball ⚾AntiGravity Ball is an engaging 2D Android game where the objective is to skillfully guide the ball downwards to accumulate higher scores. fun