đź“ťThe Signature Verification System investigates the use of CNN for Writer-Dependent models in signature verification.
“Signature has been one of the widely used biometric verification methods. Handwritten signatures are utilized in cheques, forms, letters, applications, minutes, etc. Each individual’s signature is unique in nature, which is why it is essential to uniquely identify a person’s handwritten signature.
The signature verification system presents an investigation into using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Writer-Dependent models in signature verification.”
The Github repository can also be found here:
- Prakash Ratna Prajapati, Samiksha Poudel,Madan Baduwal,S.,Burlakoti, S.,Pandey(Apr 2021). Signature Verification using Convolutional Neural Network and Autoencoder Journal of the Institute of Engineering,16, No.1, pp.33–40