AI eye
👁️ One function for multiple computer vision tasks; object detection, face recognition, depth calculation, object tracking, and more.
Creating a model that replicates the functionality of the human eye is challenging. Tasks such as object detection, face recognition, depth calculation, and object tracking are complex and typically require separate machine learning models. In this project, I aim to integrate multiple computer vision models into a single function to emulate the capabilities of the human eye.
Installation and configuration 🔥
The Github repository can also be found here:
To install the current release
$python3 -m venv venv
$source venv/bin/activate
$pip3 install requirements.txt
$pip3 freeze > requirements.txt # after add some feature freeze all dependencies
$ poetry install
Move toward project folder
$ cd eye
Run single function that do computer vision tasks.
Hardware devices
- Coral tpu for object detection
- Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 for calculating the depth of an image
- Face recognition library for face recognition
- Object tracking custom algorithm for object tracking